Saturday, August 25, 2018

RedCab Satu

What is RedCab?
RedCab LLC is a fast forward company with technological and futuristic business model in the transportation space. From technical aspects to business model, a dedicated research team spent a whole year of research to gather needs, find market gaps and assess potential with a clear understanding of customer requirements and customer experience. Our first Beta version of the Mobile App went live in 2017, as part of our on ground market research and gathering feedback. The Mobile App soft launch took place in a small touristic spot by the Red Sea for more on hand operations and to test the car hailing  service. We observed a huge potential in the industry and rising demand in metropolitan cities globally with a future expectation for the industry ballooning to reach $285 Billion by 2030.
Business Highlights

RedCab LLC was founded by mid of 2016 to reinvent the peer-to-peer transportation solutions by solving a real problem through understanding the root causes of riders’ and drivers’ actual needs, and deliver an innovative solution governed by customer experience, transparency, and efficiency.
RedCab LLC gives the chance for everybody to freelance as integrated service providers working on peer-to-peer scale, while taxi companies operate as an aggregated professional service provider.
Our business model is designed to deliver 100% of the benefits to users versus 100% earnings to drivers and taxi companies through decentralizing the whole process.

RedCab LLC will integrate 100% of the offered services in our mobile app available on both stores - App store and Google play - to ease the process of paying for all transportation services, monitor usage, and privilege from a multi-layered usage platform.
Offered Services
1.      Car Hailing
2.      Car Pooling
3.      Hotel & Airport transportation
4.      Delivery service
5.      Pick up service

Blockchain Community Investment:
RedCab LLC business model has a dependency and correlation with Blockchain community expansion and progress, hence our business has a clear goal of contributing positively for a better and well-developed Blockchain environment. RedCab LLC will invest 5% from its annual profits in newly promising ICO’s introduced to the market and will help other ICO’s through partnerships and business cooperation to build a solid business network of partners and Startups that share the same vision of making steady profits while making the world a better place.

Operations & Performance Management:
RedCab LLC operation is crafted to deliver high quality service and exquisite customer experience based on a performance matrix, key performance indicators and results' analysis with continuous improvement processes. Governed by Six Sigma foundations, to stay in control of every single action in the community from customer and driver side to business partners and service providers.
RedCab LLC operation management tools are so powerful to tune the network, culture, behavior and style through a reward & recognition program for high performers and warnings, penalties and suspensions for low performance and abusive actions. Governed by the community and backed-up by RedCab’s Customer Success Moderators.
Performance management tools:
Driver leadership board. Automated reports will be generated to fill every driver KPI’s calculator giving a final score from a 100%, using bill curve methodology with a score set to identify high, medium and low performers. The score sheet will also identify areas of improvements.
Customers' traffic light and rewards matrix. Our customers will enjoy a set of incentives based on actions and usage. The use of drop-off location, adherence to pick up location and less waiting time to start the trip. The main purpose is to reach our main goal in saving time and money, on the other hand drivers will report and feedback on customers’ irresponsible actions as every client has a traffic light (Red, Yellow & Green) indicator on his App indicating his status on the system.

Marketing & Expansion plan
RedCab LLC has a unique marketing and penetration strategy built on community engagement and word of mouth. Our customers are promoters, and our drivers are recruiters. Our community members have responsibility towards RedCab network expansion and business continuity.
Our Marketing tools are Social Media channels & digital PR, Multi-level marketing, referral programs & RedCab community annual event held every year in one of the countries we operate-in to reward, celebrate & communicate vision and mission with RedCab's community. The event is not only for engagement but also to listen to every market pain, and analyze it through several round-table discussions as part of our continous improvement process.

Expansion & Market Penetration Mechanism
RedCab LLC has considered many aspects while building the market penetration strategy to slowly inject the concept in different communities while avoiding heavy competition, and leaving a long lasting magnificent experience. RedCab LLC first market penetration will be for coastal, touristic and small cities then larger cities and capitals consequently. Coastal cities are usually small which means a better control on the on-ground operations, with more traffic and demand on transportation services from hotels, airports and first time travelers.

For information ;

Author : Ardiansaja
Addres : 0x42698392A96EF9DB4bC17bc8bd3852Bf89418b4f

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