Saturday, August 25, 2018

RedCab dua

               This paper is for informational purposes only and is not a statement of future intentions. RedCab LLC. make no guarantees or statements about the successful launch of a Sales Token, or the achievement of other activities recorded in this paper, and refuse any warranty implied by law or otherwise, to the extent permitted by law. No person has the right to rely on the contents of this paper or conclusions drawn from it, including in connection with any interaction with RedCab LLC., Sales Tokens or technology are mentioned in this paper. RedCab LLC. deny all liability for any loss or damage of any kind (whether predictable or not) that may arise from anyone acting on information and opinions relating to RedCab LLC.
What is RedCab?
               RedCab LLC is a fast forward company with technology business and futuristic models in the 
transportation space. From technical aspects to business models, a dedicated research team spends a 
year of research to gather needs, find market gaps and assess potential with a clear understanding of 
customer requirements and customer experience. The first Beta version of our Cellular Application was
 launched in 2017, as part of our market research foundation and collecting feedback. The soft launch 
of the Cellular Application takes place in a small tourist spot by the Red Sea for more on hand operations 
and to test the car calling service. We observe the huge potential in the industry and the increasing demand 
in Indonesia's metropolitan cities globally with future expectations for the industry to balloon to reach 
$ 285 Billion by 2030.
               The goal of RedCab's "Sales Token" is to transform our business model into a decentralized 
ecosystem that allows access to global markets with a transparent approach, reducing transportation 
costs for end users saving more than $ 60B through business intermediaries, and to develop our infrastructure 
to address the increasing international demand for transportation services around the world through 
developing strong scalable tools.
               From business to family and from individuals to groups, RedCab LLC successfully categorizes 
car models as needed, without limitation for certain segments and to ensure all travel demands are covered.
Business model:
Transparent Commission Scheme:
               RedCab LCC develops a unique business model where we find that we can actually make money 
without tearing customers off or pressing the driver's feet. We will not take pieces from the trip. 100% 
of the price paid by the driver goes to the driver, and because the whole process is decentralized, the 
driver pays less, and the driver gets all the money.
RedCab has 2 plans in our revenue stream
               Plan A is to continue the flow of increased income from the driver's commission to the flow of 
revenue generated from the Geo ad matured to ensure that the money flows are not disrupted for the year 
of the company.
               While plan B is to reduce the percentage of commission as soon as the generation income from 
the Geo Ad stream starts taking.
               The determination between the two plans depends on the progress of product development, the 
growth of the customer base and the availability of data collected for our in-depth learning analysis.

Cellular Application & Bid Services
Cellular Application
1.      Global reach
               One of the main aspects of our business approach is global reach, so we have to make it. Make 
sure our application matches different languages. Our application will be supported by more than 6 languages ​​
and linked to a global map to match and include different user experiences, as well as various choices and 
categories of our cars, covering all road travel needs.
2.      Schedule Ride
               To get a better insight into our customer's behavior, and our sense of urgency when saving time 
for business trips, and how we plan network dominance and workload balance, we empower our applications 
with pre-scheduled options and highlighted features.
3.      Carpooling
               Carpooling is one of the main features that RedCab supports through our Application of metropolitan 
cities and busy places as our main target. Fewer traffic congestion and separation of costs for lower costs. 
Use carpooling by making trips and invitations to nearby hailers or travel companions with multi drop 
offs and taking locations.
4.      Peer to Peer:
               Peer to peer features are the normal standard features offered by most hailing services. You can 
book a ride and get the closest driver. This is a feature that is most often used by customers around the 
world, that's why RedCab LLC has decided to reward the world of new business models to make it useful 
for drivers and more beneficial for customers through offering the lowest possible price rates.
               Blockchain technology, we will also provide global decentralized secure utilities through our 
utility wallets and tokens.

1.      Hotels & Airports:
               From our in-depth research and understanding of the needs of tourists and country visitors and 
experience, we tailor a unique travel experience from the airport to the hotel and vice versa whether it is 
a scheduled or on-demand trip.
2.      Delivery:
               With the increasing demand for shipping services worldwide, retail and restaurant business 
owners face the challenge of providing such services because of the high logistics costs and operations 
in managing special shipping fleets.
3.      Lift:
               Everyone wants something to be taken. That's why at RedCab we don't ignore that feature from 
our business model. Because everyone connected to the RedCab Network is verified through a decentralized 
network, the community will do it pick-up depending on the location.

Network Dominance (Supply & Demand Balance)

For information ;

My akun : Ardiansaja
Addres : 0x42698392A96EF9DB4bC17bc8bd3852Bf89418b4f

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