Thursday, August 30, 2018


Arizn is a South African company with a passion for “Ubuntu” the essence of being human, since 2011 we have set about to effect as much socio-economic change as possible by developing an accountable, liquid and transparent crowdfunding platform.
The Arizn Project was started in 2011 and solidified as a proprietary limited company  registered in South African in the year 2013. The original founders were initially involved in Venture Capital funding of large scale development projects with a focus on socio and economic development.
We have been involved in many projects over the years and we have strong ties in the community, we have developed a network of over 300 location based Arizn community ambassadors.
Arizn – Overview - Arizn is a web and app based platform that allows anyone to create a compliant crowdfunding campaign that is transparent and rewarding for backers.
Features - All the usual functions you would expect to see on the surface. All functions are  arried out on Arizn but because the smart-contracts created for all campaigns are compiled to the main network they can be interacted with outside of Arizn. It makes sense that Arizn will be the platform of choice as users benefit from the pooling of the community and the highly liquid market this activity creates.
The benefits of using blockchain are many, the most notable are decentralisation, transparency and tokenisation. All campaigns created on the Arizn are executed by ECR20 smart-contracts that are compiled to the decentralised ethereum blockchain. This means that every command
and function is predetermined and publicly view-able, its like having your company's bank account  vailable for anyone to view online.
Smart-contract - All crowdfunding campaigns created on Arizn are developed by founders using our smart-contract wizard. This wizard's basic function is to accept information form the creator in such a way that it creates a framework of rules and functions related to financial management and governance. The wizard has over 2000 variables that combine to create literally billions of potential smart-contract and ALT Token variations that can be applied to literally any type of start-up or existing business, organisation and or government agency.
The potential expressed here requires buy in from ethical and profitable projects that can actully use blockchain in their business function. Every aspect of fundraising and fund management can be executed by smart-contracts even if the business it is applied to is off-grid or non established. In most cases the wizard is able to successfully tokenise any business and create an attractive offering in new markets. Tokens are their own asset and can be liquefied or traded in an instant, this creates a secondary market in which any real world asset can be tokenised.

Market Overview
The global crowdfunding market came into full swing around 2011 when verified financial performance proved billions of dollars had been raised on over 400 CFP's (crowdfunding platforms).
The figures have grown immensely since then despite obscure and inaccurate data, we are looking at a market with potential in the trillions of dollars.
Here are some recent statistics :
Alternative finance has a potential value of $3.3 Trillion annually
Early stage investment has a current value of $ 300 Billion
Estimated revenue : $70 Billion
Crowd Funding Portals : 1250
Equity based crowdfunding is growing at 410% or more per year.
Crowdfunding has created half a million jobs all over the world.
Unaccredited investors provide over $100 Billion in crowdfunding capital annually.
The crowdfunding market is divided into the following Sectors :
- Accredited Investor Only Equity Crowdfunding Platforms
- All Investor Equity Crowdfunding and Mini-IPO Platforms
- Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms
- Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms
- Angel Networks, Secondary Markets, Venture Exchanges, etc.
Our ALT token wizard is able to provide solutions to support each of these sectors. The Arizn ALT token (AALT) forms the basis of our network and is used for all financial transactions on the platform.

The Arizn Ecosystem
Arizn : Tokenised crowdfunding platform on the blockchain.
At first glance you will recognize that Arizn is a thriving social network delivered in a simple and familiar format. The platform is designed to use the AALT token as a base currency, backers use it to fund projects and founders accept AALT tokens as an acceptable form of tokenised funding. Founders use the dAPP wizard to tokenise their crowdfunding campaign, business or asset and offer compliant tokens to potential backers. .
Arizn allows accredited Investors and non-accredited investors access to the same market and encourage funding through transparent, exciting and familiar products that reward backers with compliant and transferable ALT tokens that can be traded instantly.
LiquiDEX : Decentralized ECR20 token exchange.
An ECR20 smart-contract based exchange that is decentralised and functions autonomously without the need for human involvement. The unified trade governor groups and executes trades on behalf of users and allows them to retain their private keys.
The exchange functions as a secondary market that allows ALT token holders to have
instant liquidity.

For information ;

Author : Ardiansaja
Addres : 0x472C27bB2512Aa8B4815f60237100C0cF7FcF87a

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