Saturday, December 29, 2018

WPP Energy

WPP Energy
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WPP is an alternative energy that will replace non-renewable energy in the future. Renewable energy can be sourced from water, wind, sun, geothermal, biomass, and ocean waves. Renewable energy has unlimited resources and low pollution or gas emissions compared to non-renewable energy which has limited resources and high pollution levels. But it is very unfortunate because this potential has not been maximized by the energy industry, as seen from, only about 25% of total energy production comes from renewable energy.
To explore the potential of renewable energy and maximize its use, a complete and perfect solution is needed. WPP Energy is a blockchain based project that will provide solutions to current energy problems. This article will discuss specifically the WPP platform, namely Global Green Energy and WPP Exchange.

Imagine you have a water pot with you. Every day you take a drop of water from a jug that thinks that a drop of water makes no difference. However, eventually one day it will come that the jug will run out of water. The same is true of the current electricity production industry. The focus is still on non-renewable energy sources which continue to be the main source of energy. Current needs are efficient and easily managed resources and plans that do not burn holes in the consumer's pocket.

The solution
The WPPEnergy project, which is already an established force and produces huge energy, aims to revolutionize the entire energy production sector once and for all. With advanced technology that can help utilize clean and green energy sources for efficient consumption and production, the WPPEnergy Project will bring a revolution that will change the way and the type of energy we consume. Once the new platform is fully operational, it will not only bring the level of pollution down but will also create the first and distributed energy distribution and distribution system in the world at a very affordable cost! This will change the entire industry once and for all.

Global Green Energy Platform
WPP Energy makes a blockchain based energy platform, called the Global Green Energy Platform. The Global Green Energy platform is the first global electricity market in the world that will act as a facilitator for the sale of goods and services for green energy solutions. On this platform, all actors in the energy industry, both producers and consumers, will be connected to the whole world. All transactions on this platform use WPP tokens with smart contracts for processing, recording and automatic tracking which will reduce payment operations or processes and record keeping costs.
The existence of this platform is expected to make green energy prices cheaper and provide easy access to green energy for users, thus making green energy more widely used and ultimately making the world healthier and greener.
The main elements in the Global Green Energy platform ecosystem are:
1. Grid and market; is a market for producers and end buyers to sell and buy green electricity.
2. Market for physical goods; is a market for buying renewable energy products and WPP Energy products.
3. WPP wallet and mobile application; is a wallet to save gifts from rebate programs and use them on the Global Green Energy platform.
4. Trust; is a system that creates trust for parties to transact with other people.
5. Exchange of cryptocurrency
6. crowdfunding market; is a market for investing in green energy initiatives from innovators.

Details for Token sales
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WPPEnergy has developed a blockchain-based crypto exchange platform that connects energy buyers and sellers. Because this platform is blockchain based, this platform is very safe and reliable, which I feel is an important aspect of every project.
This project has become a major aspect of several government initiatives that work to save the environment and provide access to resources for everyone. A single Green Energy Token has put into perspective several key initiatives and created great opportunities for investment.
WPPEnergy's cryptocurrency exchange platform has made it possible to use the soaring values ​​of cryptocurrency to make a major contribution to the world energy and energy sector. WPP tokens are basically a substitute for ordinary currencies and can be used for all types of economic transactions on the platform. There's even an opportunity to get a lifetime of free energy supply, which is pretty cool. The images below that I took from the WPP official website pretty much summarize why this project is extraordinary and valuable.

Token details
Token: WPP
Platform: Ethereum
Type: Erc-20
Pre-sale Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.16
ICO Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.2
Acceptance: Ethereum
Soft cover: $ 5,000,000
Hard cover: $ 50,000,000
Total delivery : 5,000,000,000 WPP
Private sale now and will continue until July 6. The minimum investment is 20 ETH $ 0.16 for a WPP token. At Pre-ICO, the cost of the token is $ 0.20. It will be held from July 26 to September 1. Minimum investment - 1 ETH. The public main sale will take place from September 3 to December 7. This is all information about ICO. Important WPP announcements are posted on Twitter.



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