Saturday, December 29, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk horizon bounty
Horizon Communications (Horizon) is a modern platform focused on the introduction of advanced technologies for a comfortable existence and development of society. The goal of the project is to provide a stable high-speed Internet connection already in 2018 at a speed of 150 MB per second. By 2019, the year should reach the level of 300 MB. Services are complemented not only by high-speed and stable Internet connection, but also by VOIP telephony and high-resolution cable TV in areas where consumers still cannot rely on reliable and high-tech services, but need them. After successfully attracting the declared capital, the Horizon project plans to launch the flagship market in Bermuda closer to the end of 2018.

The Crypto-Communication
Horizon Communication aims to provide fast, inexpensive and efficient wireless internet and cellular services with microwave technology and LTE fixed wireless for last mile delivery to end users. While current communication systems are lacking data security and privacy, Horizon provides these features through the use of blockchain technology.
Although cryptocurrency has been considered a revelation in global economy, it has not reached its fullest capability because it has not been accepted as a valid means of payment by most sectors. Horizon Communication changes this situation as it accepts only the HRZN crypto-tokens which are the utility tokens of the company. Not only this, the company also aims to pay its employees and contractors in cryptocurrency. Thus, the transactions become more transparent, secure and authenticated. Also, the users are provided with more incentives as crypto-tokens provide a form of investment, and discounts can be afforded for utility customers. The end result of this is the increase in value of cryptocurrency as a valid and accepted means of payment and thus the development of cryptocurrency in the economic sector, which is a crucial need at the moment.

Thе tесhnоlоgу Hоrizоn uѕеѕ allows thе company to rеmаin еffiсiеnt, kеер ѕtаffing nееdѕ at a frасtiоn of thе соmреtitiоn аnd bе еxtrеmеlу соmреtitivе аnd fоrwаrd thinking in our mаrkеtѕ.Hоrizоn will have the full еxсluѕivе rightѕ to thiѕ technology in оur target markets, аѕ Horizon соntinuеѕ wоrking with our vendors.
This gives Hоrizоn a uniԛuе аdvаntаgе tо dерlоу thiѕ cost еffесtivе nеtwоrk аt a рriсе роint much lower than was рrеviоuѕlу possible.

According to research residents of Bermuda pay about $250 per month for 200Mbps internet service and you know what, those services according to them are not reliable meaning they do not get fair value for their money. This means that any new provider service with a reliable service and a competitive pricing will take over the market and that is what HORIZON COMMUNICATION is out to do. With HORZON’S current 4G-LTE advanced equipment that will be achievable.
Horizon Communications will be a high speed Internet Service Provider (ISP), headquartered in Bermuda. The company will utilize LTE fixed wireless for last-mile delivery to end users. Our service offering will include Internet speeds of up to 300 Mbps in 2018. Alongside high speed Internet services, we will provide High Definition TV 4K services as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephone services. The infrastructure we are building is combined with a software defined radio system custom using 4G LTE-Advanced (Release 14) standards. Horizon is scheduled to launch our business in Bermuda and BVI in mid to late 2018. Using the same technology, we will be expanding to the Caribbean, Central American countries and then internationally.



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