Saturday, December 29, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk horizon bounty
Horizon Communications (Horizon) is a modern platform focused on the introduction of advanced technologies for a comfortable existence and development of society. The goal of the project is to provide a stable high-speed Internet connection already in 2018 at a speed of 150 MB per second. By 2019, the year should reach the level of 300 MB. Services are complemented not only by high-speed and stable Internet connection, but also by VOIP telephony and high-resolution cable TV in areas where consumers still cannot rely on reliable and high-tech services, but need them. After successfully attracting the declared capital, the Horizon project plans to launch the flagship market in Bermuda closer to the end of 2018.

The Crypto-Communication
Horizon Communication aims to provide fast, inexpensive and efficient wireless internet and cellular services with microwave technology and LTE fixed wireless for last mile delivery to end users. While current communication systems are lacking data security and privacy, Horizon provides these features through the use of blockchain technology.
Although cryptocurrency has been considered a revelation in global economy, it has not reached its fullest capability because it has not been accepted as a valid means of payment by most sectors. Horizon Communication changes this situation as it accepts only the HRZN crypto-tokens which are the utility tokens of the company. Not only this, the company also aims to pay its employees and contractors in cryptocurrency. Thus, the transactions become more transparent, secure and authenticated. Also, the users are provided with more incentives as crypto-tokens provide a form of investment, and discounts can be afforded for utility customers. The end result of this is the increase in value of cryptocurrency as a valid and accepted means of payment and thus the development of cryptocurrency in the economic sector, which is a crucial need at the moment.

Thе tесhnоlоgу Hоrizоn uѕеѕ allows thе company to rеmаin еffiсiеnt, kеер ѕtаffing nееdѕ at a frасtiоn of thе соmреtitiоn аnd bе еxtrеmеlу соmреtitivе аnd fоrwаrd thinking in our mаrkеtѕ.Hоrizоn will have the full еxсluѕivе rightѕ to thiѕ technology in оur target markets, аѕ Horizon соntinuеѕ wоrking with our vendors.
This gives Hоrizоn a uniԛuе аdvаntаgе tо dерlоу thiѕ cost еffесtivе nеtwоrk аt a рriсе роint much lower than was рrеviоuѕlу possible.

According to research residents of Bermuda pay about $250 per month for 200Mbps internet service and you know what, those services according to them are not reliable meaning they do not get fair value for their money. This means that any new provider service with a reliable service and a competitive pricing will take over the market and that is what HORIZON COMMUNICATION is out to do. With HORZON’S current 4G-LTE advanced equipment that will be achievable.
Horizon Communications will be a high speed Internet Service Provider (ISP), headquartered in Bermuda. The company will utilize LTE fixed wireless for last-mile delivery to end users. Our service offering will include Internet speeds of up to 300 Mbps in 2018. Alongside high speed Internet services, we will provide High Definition TV 4K services as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephone services. The infrastructure we are building is combined with a software defined radio system custom using 4G LTE-Advanced (Release 14) standards. Horizon is scheduled to launch our business in Bermuda and BVI in mid to late 2018. Using the same technology, we will be expanding to the Caribbean, Central American countries and then internationally.



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WPP Energy

WPP Energy
Hasil gambar untuk wpp energy bounty bitcointalk
WPP is an alternative energy that will replace non-renewable energy in the future. Renewable energy can be sourced from water, wind, sun, geothermal, biomass, and ocean waves. Renewable energy has unlimited resources and low pollution or gas emissions compared to non-renewable energy which has limited resources and high pollution levels. But it is very unfortunate because this potential has not been maximized by the energy industry, as seen from, only about 25% of total energy production comes from renewable energy.
To explore the potential of renewable energy and maximize its use, a complete and perfect solution is needed. WPP Energy is a blockchain based project that will provide solutions to current energy problems. This article will discuss specifically the WPP platform, namely Global Green Energy and WPP Exchange.

Imagine you have a water pot with you. Every day you take a drop of water from a jug that thinks that a drop of water makes no difference. However, eventually one day it will come that the jug will run out of water. The same is true of the current electricity production industry. The focus is still on non-renewable energy sources which continue to be the main source of energy. Current needs are efficient and easily managed resources and plans that do not burn holes in the consumer's pocket.

The solution
The WPPEnergy project, which is already an established force and produces huge energy, aims to revolutionize the entire energy production sector once and for all. With advanced technology that can help utilize clean and green energy sources for efficient consumption and production, the WPPEnergy Project will bring a revolution that will change the way and the type of energy we consume. Once the new platform is fully operational, it will not only bring the level of pollution down but will also create the first and distributed energy distribution and distribution system in the world at a very affordable cost! This will change the entire industry once and for all.

Global Green Energy Platform
WPP Energy makes a blockchain based energy platform, called the Global Green Energy Platform. The Global Green Energy platform is the first global electricity market in the world that will act as a facilitator for the sale of goods and services for green energy solutions. On this platform, all actors in the energy industry, both producers and consumers, will be connected to the whole world. All transactions on this platform use WPP tokens with smart contracts for processing, recording and automatic tracking which will reduce payment operations or processes and record keeping costs.
The existence of this platform is expected to make green energy prices cheaper and provide easy access to green energy for users, thus making green energy more widely used and ultimately making the world healthier and greener.
The main elements in the Global Green Energy platform ecosystem are:
1. Grid and market; is a market for producers and end buyers to sell and buy green electricity.
2. Market for physical goods; is a market for buying renewable energy products and WPP Energy products.
3. WPP wallet and mobile application; is a wallet to save gifts from rebate programs and use them on the Global Green Energy platform.
4. Trust; is a system that creates trust for parties to transact with other people.
5. Exchange of cryptocurrency
6. crowdfunding market; is a market for investing in green energy initiatives from innovators.

Details for Token sales
Hasil gambar untuk wpp energy bounty
WPPEnergy has developed a blockchain-based crypto exchange platform that connects energy buyers and sellers. Because this platform is blockchain based, this platform is very safe and reliable, which I feel is an important aspect of every project.
This project has become a major aspect of several government initiatives that work to save the environment and provide access to resources for everyone. A single Green Energy Token has put into perspective several key initiatives and created great opportunities for investment.
WPPEnergy's cryptocurrency exchange platform has made it possible to use the soaring values ​​of cryptocurrency to make a major contribution to the world energy and energy sector. WPP tokens are basically a substitute for ordinary currencies and can be used for all types of economic transactions on the platform. There's even an opportunity to get a lifetime of free energy supply, which is pretty cool. The images below that I took from the WPP official website pretty much summarize why this project is extraordinary and valuable.

Token details
Token: WPP
Platform: Ethereum
Type: Erc-20
Pre-sale Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.16
ICO Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.2
Acceptance: Ethereum
Soft cover: $ 5,000,000
Hard cover: $ 50,000,000
Total delivery : 5,000,000,000 WPP
Private sale now and will continue until July 6. The minimum investment is 20 ETH $ 0.16 for a WPP token. At Pre-ICO, the cost of the token is $ 0.20. It will be held from July 26 to September 1. Minimum investment - 1 ETH. The public main sale will take place from September 3 to December 7. This is all information about ICO. Important WPP announcements are posted on Twitter.



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WPP Energy – The Future Of Energy Cryptocurrency
Hasil gambar untuk wpp energy bounty bitcointalk

WPP's existing renewable energy contracts with different governments around the world, valued at more than $ 50 billion, start with an initial focus of $ 6B starting in December 2018. WPP ENERGY has contracted with many countries around the world on a government-level federation to produce green energy for a continuous 35-year period.
The contracts include PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) conversion MSW (Solid Municipal Waste Treatment) into electricity and into products that will be used for the local market. WPP's signed government contract business is expanding and will include upcoming announcements in a number of areas including the creation of future green villages and a city of 200,000 people built. In just two years, and vertical agriculture greenhouse glass.
WPP ENERGY will deploy the most advanced advanced technologies worldwide to support second and third world countries with new opportunities to address their significant housing and energy issues. WPP is taking an important step by contributing an overall percentage of WPP TOKEN profits to facilitate the increase in electricity production as a humanitarian aid to countries with the greatest demand.

A Globalized Green Energy Digital Platform
Energy trade is composed of intermediaries who impose price margins and often exercise control through monopolies. The use of the WPP cryptocurrency (programmable money) within the Global Green Energy Platform will end this, since the payment method will provide the ideal environment for the lowest possible processing cost and using intelligent contracts for efficient automated tracking of a large number of transactions worldwide, avoiding any attempt to interrupt or block what will be an industry; By changing the process of how energy is bought and sold, consumers will soon depend much less on intermediary companies, to resell them when they have a lower cost option available on the platform.

Imagine you have a water pot with you. Every day you take a drop of water from a jug that thinks that a drop of water makes no difference. However, eventually one day it will come that the jug will run out of water. The same is true of the current electricity production industry. The focus is still on non-renewable energy sources which continue to be the main source of energy. Current needs are efficient and easily managed resources and plans that do not burn holes in the consumer's pocket.

The solution
The WPPEnergy project, which is already an established force and produces huge energy, aims to revolutionize the entire energy production sector once and for all. With advanced technology that can help utilize clean and green energy sources for efficient consumption and production, the WPPEnergy Project will bring a revolution that will change the way and the type of energy we consume. Once the new platform is fully operational, it will not only bring the level of pollution down but will also create the first and distributed energy distribution and distribution system in the world at a very affordable cost! This will change the entire industry once and for all.

Features and highlights of the platform
A complete ecosystem for trading cryptocurrencies WPP energy’s platform will have over 20 different energy related cryptocurrencies that can be tradable on the platform. There will be ultimate focus on security along with lowest fees on trading in the industry. Backed with the advanced technology of blockchain the platform can enable fast and easy trading facility. There will be a WPP public wallet and an APP to support the trading on the platform. With the scalable feature new currencies will be added as and when introduced in the industry.

Details for Token sales
WPPEnergy has developed a blockchain-based crypto exchange platform that connects energy buyers and sellers. Because this platform is blockchain based, this platform is very safe and reliable, which I feel is an important aspect of every project.
This project has become a major aspect of several government initiatives that work to save the environment and provide access to resources for everyone. A single Green Energy Token has put into perspective several key initiatives and created great opportunities for investment.
WPPEnergy's cryptocurrency exchange platform has made it possible to use the soaring values ​​of cryptocurrency to make a major contribution to the world energy and energy sector. WPP tokens are basically a substitute for ordinary currencies and can be used for all types of economic transactions on the platform. There's even an opportunity to get a lifetime of free energy supply, which is pretty cool. The images below that I took from the WPP official website pretty much summarize why this project is extraordinary and valuable.

Mobile Power Station Features
Turnkey Power Plant; When the station reaches the shipping point, it's really ready to produce electricity. No installation is required, only a drainage connection is needed.
Low Wage Power Plant; This results in 75% less transaction costs compared to a lot of electricity supply.
Ready for all weather conditions; Cold, hot or humid climate is not an obstacle to using KONTAINER STATION HHO POWER. This station has a heavy, isolated structure and the inside of the unit is controlled by climate.
Internet and Wi-Fi Hardware; The station is equipped with a powerful retraction power parabolic antenna that is resistant to wind at 160 km. Internet connection allows the power plant data to be returned to the server to monitor system performance by WPP. Wi-Fi will provide Internet access to users within range.

Token details
Token: WPP
Platform: Ethereum
Type: Erc-20
Pre-sale Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.16
ICO Price: 1 WPP = $ 0.2
Acceptance: Ethereum
Soft cover: $ 5,000,000
Hard cover: $ 50,000,000
Total delivery : 5,000,000,000 WPP
Private sale now and will continue until July 6. The minimum investment is 20 ETH $ 0.16 for a WPP token. At Pre-ICO, the cost of the token is $ 0.20. It will be held from July 26 to September 1. Minimum investment - 1 ETH. The public main sale will take place from September 3 to December 7. This is all information about ICO. Important WPP announcements are posted on Twitter.


The team leading this project aims to finance the initial development, maintenance and general outreach through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Investors can purchase official tokens by participating in the Initial Coin Offering. Tokens will be used for all transactions throughout the ecosystem. This will be based on the Ethereum blockchain and will be the standard ERC 20 token. Investors can exchange tokens for other cryptocurrency through the main exchange.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018 3 EXCHANGE PLATFORM
Gambar terkait
The point of BQT is to assemble a network and culture of Crypto Traders using the Platform, helping the network and profiting by the network.
BQT Exchange Platform gives secure, intuitive and adaptable P2P Trading Environment and easy to understand interface for its locale to oversee different sorts of exchanges comprising of numerous crypto resources.
BQT stage permits merchants all inclusive to arrange their Crypto Asset exchanges straightforwardly communicating with each other and imparting their experience to the network.
To use property of different Crypto Assets, BQT presenting the progressive Hedge Trades framework. Not at all like Margins and Futures Trading, BQT Hedge Trade framework is an adaptable strategy for Traders of gaining Crypto Assets for a fleeting period by methods for escrow of their current Crypto property.
This progressive approach permits Crypto Traders use their Crypto Holdings to gain critical number of extra Crypto Assets they have confidence in without a need of a conventional edge exchange.
P2p trades and hedge transactions
Bqt escrow service
Arrange and confirm trades
Rate and share trading experience
Social interactions among traders
Examination and reporting
Bqt system work-flow

Project Overview
Exchange BQT is a cryptocurrency trading platform. Exchange BQT has proven to be one of the most advanced and reliable platforms for crypto currency trading platform with a high level of security - one of the safest, fastest and most powerful platforms today. It offers a user-friendly interface for managing a variety of types of cryptosports, with a secure, interactive and flexible P2P trading environment and its community. The platform aims at making cryptocurrency trading very simple and accessible in a secured environment which are its core value- Simplicity and Accessibility.
The development of technology and the digital world has evolved the need for emerging crypto currencies and at the same time there is much theft through weak systems in the absence of strong security in protecting the assets of crypto. The main reason of many of these hacking is the lack of Defense in security approaches and depth and weak rules
Exchange BQT platform utilizes the disruptive power of blockchain technology to significantly cause revolution in the exchange industry. The introduction of blockchain technology allows for electronic transactions to occur in a secure, deterministic, and tamper-proof way.

On the one hand, BQT P2P Exchange Platform provides a secure, interactive and flexible operating environment, as well as an easy-to-use interface for your community to manage various types of transactions that consist of many cryptographic assets in the operators' portfolios. Besides, the BQT Platform allows operators around the world to securely publish their trading conditions in the exchange and negotiate their cryptographic operations interacting directly with each other and sharing their experience with the community.
On the other hand, BQT introduces the revolutionary approach that allows operators to take advantage of their cryptographic stocks to acquire cryptography assets from other peer-to-peer operators. Unlike Margins and Futures Trading, BQT's Hedge Trade system is a flexible method for Traders to acquire cryptographic assets from their peers for a short period of time through the custody of their existing cryptographic holdings and maintaining their ownership for a period of time period of the operation.

Exchange p2p broker
In the past few months of March 2018, localbitcoins and other trade sizes in the P2P-landing stage began to witness a sudden increase in various bazaars, the presence of this world size increases up to $ 75 million of the UNITED States of AMERICA per week. Canadian and European p2p bazaars make unprecedented sizes. BTC / idr transactions produced a maximum IDR of 580 million per week in March in Localbitcoins, in such a period as well as a P2P transaction in Vietnam made the 2nd according to the size with an increase of 3.725 billion VND.
Successful component Binance
From ICO Binance instantly increased in prominence, having founded significantly the easiest aspect to trade, and now someone is considered a valid candidate for the purpose of Bittrex and other large trading platforms. Certain Binance components have argued, in order to promote acceptance in trading:
Be an independent stock FIAT, and in addition the lawyer nuance associated with it.
Enables your traders to instantly reveal Nemer for the purpose of trafficking.
Use your own personal token to apply with transaction fees with 50% discount.
List the number of tags Post-ICO ERC20 and evaporation of the transactions, representing the obligation of the Blockchain innovation and application tokens.
Gives a chance daily withdrawals and fast deposits some wallets of coins / tokens.

Bqtx Token Structure And Ico Bonuses
600,000,000 Tokens will be frozen and would only be released as needed for company expansion, Marketing and Loyalty Programs to maintain token liquidity (up to 10% per year).
Bqtx token distribution post ico (excluding frozen tokens)
Public — 57.5%
Founders and Management — 20%
ICO Advisors and Bounty Marketers — 2%
Company — 20.5%
Budget allocation
Technology — 45%
Marketing / Expansion — 35%
Operations — 12%
Other — 8%


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