Thursday, January 16, 2020



Hasil gambar untuk cerviero bounty

The population of the Emirates is expected to expand at a rate of 3 percent peryear to exceed 12 million inhabitants in 2024, compared to the current 11million. Especially young people and working classes are progressivelydeveloping new tastes and preferences, driving demand for processedinternational food products. At the same time, there is a growing frequency ofeating meals outside the home as a form of socialization and entertainment.
The GDP per capita of the United Arab Emirates is estimated at over 69,392dollars (with the same purchasing power) and is among the highest in theworld and significantly higher than the average of the advanced economies. Asa result, the consumption of food products benefits from the high levels ofwealth in the country that fuel strong import volumes as well as foreign directinvestments aimed at achieving food security for the country. The United ArabEmirates is an essentially desert country, with an arid climate, scarcity of arableland and water resources and a weight of the primary sector of agriculture andfisheries of less than 1 percent of GDP. As a result, the country is forced toimport about 85 percent of its food needs

Hydroponic Cerviero is a cultivation and irrigation innovative system that allows plant cultivation onto the ground and out the earth.
The innovation of Cerviero system resides in the internet of things, that is the capacity to make all company software and hardware informatic system intelligent and fully connected between each other.
Hydroponics is a cultivation method where plants grow using nutrient solutions of minerals dissolved in water, without soil, which is replaced byan inert substrate. Which can consist of expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, rock wool, zeolite, etc. The plant produced in thenursery, is transplanted on inert supports placed at about 60 cm from the ground, anchored to the aerial structure of thegreenhouse , and isirrigated with a nutritive solution composed of water and compounds, mostlyinorganic, necessary to bring all the elements essential to normalmineral nutrition.
Inside the greenhouses, long rows of tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, aubergines and lettuce grow onsupports spaced about one meterapart.The space needed for plant care and harvesting operations.
Carbon dioxide fertilization, which combined with oxygen and nitrogen in the air accelerate and multiply photosynthesis, allowing for lush andcontinuous vegetation throughout the year.From each seedling two cuttings are grown, one towards the left, the other towards the right with respect to the support line. The two cuttings are made to twist with a thread that is fixed to the top of the greenhouse, at 4.5 meters high, to support them.At the apex the thread is rolled up to a skein, and as the plant grows, in the lower part it is defoliated and the fruits brought to bare, andgradually reach maturation. And as the plant grows the skein is unrolled and moved 50 cm along the thread to which it is hanging. Thus themaximum height never exceeds the height to which they are hooked, and the part in maturation is always at the same height, the easiest for collection.

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Name: AQUA
Typology: Utility Token*
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