Thursday, January 16, 2020



Hasil gambar untuk cerviero bounty

The population of the Emirates is expected to expand at a rate of 3 percent peryear to exceed 12 million inhabitants in 2024, compared to the current 11million. Especially young people and working classes are progressivelydeveloping new tastes and preferences, driving demand for processedinternational food products. At the same time, there is a growing frequency ofeating meals outside the home as a form of socialization and entertainment.
The GDP per capita of the United Arab Emirates is estimated at over 69,392dollars (with the same purchasing power) and is among the highest in theworld and significantly higher than the average of the advanced economies. Asa result, the consumption of food products benefits from the high levels ofwealth in the country that fuel strong import volumes as well as foreign directinvestments aimed at achieving food security for the country. The United ArabEmirates is an essentially desert country, with an arid climate, scarcity of arableland and water resources and a weight of the primary sector of agriculture andfisheries of less than 1 percent of GDP. As a result, the country is forced toimport about 85 percent of its food needs

Hydroponic Cerviero is a cultivation and irrigation innovative system that allows plant cultivation onto the ground and out the earth.
The innovation of Cerviero system resides in the internet of things, that is the capacity to make all company software and hardware informatic system intelligent and fully connected between each other.
Hydroponics is a cultivation method where plants grow using nutrient solutions of minerals dissolved in water, without soil, which is replaced byan inert substrate. Which can consist of expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, rock wool, zeolite, etc. The plant produced in thenursery, is transplanted on inert supports placed at about 60 cm from the ground, anchored to the aerial structure of thegreenhouse , and isirrigated with a nutritive solution composed of water and compounds, mostlyinorganic, necessary to bring all the elements essential to normalmineral nutrition.
Inside the greenhouses, long rows of tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, aubergines and lettuce grow onsupports spaced about one meterapart.The space needed for plant care and harvesting operations.
Carbon dioxide fertilization, which combined with oxygen and nitrogen in the air accelerate and multiply photosynthesis, allowing for lush andcontinuous vegetation throughout the year.From each seedling two cuttings are grown, one towards the left, the other towards the right with respect to the support line. The two cuttings are made to twist with a thread that is fixed to the top of the greenhouse, at 4.5 meters high, to support them.At the apex the thread is rolled up to a skein, and as the plant grows, in the lower part it is defoliated and the fruits brought to bare, andgradually reach maturation. And as the plant grows the skein is unrolled and moved 50 cm along the thread to which it is hanging. Thus themaximum height never exceeds the height to which they are hooked, and the part in maturation is always at the same height, the easiest for collection.

Maincharacteristicsof Token:
Name: AQUA
Typology: Utility Token*
Total Supply: 100.000.000

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Cartesi : A Linux Infrastructure for Scalable DApps

Hasil gambar untuk cartesi token review

I always thought that many people would agree with me that our modern society is on the threshold of a new revolution. A technical revolution, when familiar things and processes are carried out in digital format.
Every day many people are becoming increasingly interested not only in cryptocurrency, but also actively using it in their business processes. After all, over the past few years, blockchain technology has proven its superiority relative to familiar business relationship systems and other communications that have arisen in certain business directions.
Blockchain technology has brought many major changes to our society. The rejection which until now has been faced by technology has slowly metamorphosed into a system that connects various industries in a decentralized way.
It should be noted that the different potentials of the blockchain network can be facilitated more when proper networks exist. This is the Cartesi blockchain that exists to provide the much sought-after scalability needed for the scale of development and delegation of Decentralized Applications (DApps).

About Cartesi
Cartesi is a decentralized and scalable Linux infrastructure that solves the problems of computational scalability and development infrastructure for the decentralized web. With Cartesi, Blockchain applications can be coded with the vast domain of mainstream software stacks available today. Applications run off-chain, with the strong security guarantees of the blockchain, but free from its computation limits and high costs.

The main objective behind the development of this project is to be able to create a pathway for developing more decentralized applications. There is no doubt that DApps developers will now be queuing up to use this platform to increase the scale of their work.
Ideally, a calculation and data should be able to be carried out or published for everyone involved to confirm before the next stage of DApps development. Instead of fragments in the current structure, the Cartesi Machine will now take over the role of being able to execute any calculations over the network.
By utilizing Linux as a bridge between blockchain and the real world, Cartesi can bring extra exponential advantages over pure scalability. With Linux they will be able to use languages, instruments, libraries, software programs, and providers they already know.

Token info
Token CTSI
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC-20
Investment info
Accepting ETH, Stablecoins

Our MVP is a state of the art deterministic VM. It enables smart-contracts to specify complex computations that run off-chain on a Linux OS in a reproducible way.
The complete Cartesi Core allows these complex computations to be adjudicated for correctness on the blockchain, at negligible cost, in a safe and decentralized way.
Cartesi will publish and maintain an open source SDK for the world to use. Create your own decentralized applications
without knowledge of blockchain languages and deploy them to the growing network of Cartesi Nodes.


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Telegram Announcements:

Telegram: @Dayu31

Tuesday, January 14, 2020



DAIN is the leading level of artificial intelligence, a central and geographically distributed open calculation system that is represented by the blockchain and has a certain know-how in maintaining and overcoming the problem of human-made consciousness. DAIN enables the productive use of processing resources from any device around the world, without a middleman, to solve complex AI computer problems. This rewards device owners and creates AI trading centers where organizations with similar needs can or can make joint agreements.
DAIN does not have its own image assets. Instead, assets are used that are registered free of charge by any PC or gadget, from personal data centers to PDA and IoT gadgets. The owner of the asset shown is then compensated without intermediaries.

DAIN ecosystem:
DAIN is created, built and developed by and for its users. As on the Internet, DAIN users will determine what DAIN will be in the future. Users can participate in this ecosystem by playing different roles.

DAIN solution:
Toolbox for DAIN users.
The goal is to rationalize the democratization of AI and enable new business models.

DAIN platform:
The underlying core infrastructure that enables the creation of ecosystems and solutions. Your mission is to build a secure market for computer, data and AI models.

DAIN is conceptually designed to interact with two types of users, end users and institutions (private companies or other institutions such as universities or research centers).
end users drive the market for computer resources, share the computing capacity of their devices free of charge to meet service requests from agencies, and receive prizes (tokens) as payment.

make service requests to the network using computer resources. Depending on the type of service request, they can be divided into:

They create new AI models that are trained in DAIN using their own data and / or data provided by network members, and pay tokens in return for using the required computing resources or data. These solutions can only be produced for your own consumption or can be offered on the market at any time to open up new sources of income.

You access the AI ​​market directly to reuse existing solutions from manufacturers.

How can DAIN be compared to the cerebrum?
Any user can teach the brain how to perform certain tasks and then request that those tasks be performed. Likewise, other users can request the same task to be performed as long as the first user has ordered the brain to give others access to that knowledge.
The brain will remember all the tasks it has learned and will further improve its performance. Finally, it can perform a number of tasks at the same time, with only the size limit. The brain has the potential for unlimited growth by adding more computing devices. Like the natural brain, it has to use energy for every task. In this case, energy is a gift to the owner of the device.
We are building DAIN to drive this transformation forward.
DAIN enables the efficient use of computer resources from any device around the world without intermediaries to solve complex AI computer problems. It rewards hardware owners and creates an AI market where companies with similar requirements can offer or find common solutions.

As already explained, DAIN Solutions offers ready-to-use business solutions. This section lists the first solutions that will be made available on the DAIN platform
·         Empathy - engagement platform
·         Knowledger - AI marketplace
·         The soul - an autonomous agent
·         Psyche - intelligent travel platform from zero code
·         Intuition - laboratory

Dain Dain apply various techniques to improve system stability and overall benefit tokens:
The DAIN token value is specified by the computing power that forms the network.
Tokens are less volatile because values ​​(not prices) relate to concrete and measurable indicators.
There are clear growth drivers for the value of tokens.
wealth distribution
Token assignment
- More public
Coin sales - DainWare
DainWare is an organization responsible for developing and improving the consistent DAIN regulatory base.
- DainServices
DainServices is a government agency that provides regulatory benefits, including the benefits, and in some cases, to DAIN corporate customers.
- Awards and communities

Roadmap for teams and consultants
We have just started, but everything has been mapped and planned. Learn more about the next steps.
2018 Q3
Dain network designed
2018 Q4
DAIN complete technical design
2019 Q1
Agreement with the Comillas Pontifical University to fund the DAIN research project
2019 Q2
DainWare is funded
White paper published
Fund raised by 8 angel investors
advisory council
2019 Q3
Agreement with SecondWindow to provide development staff
We are there
2019 Q4
IEO 1.0
Personal sales token
Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI out
2020 Q1
IEO 2.0 with additional exchange for extended range
Publication of a research article
With industrial use of PoC
2020 Q2
2020 Q4
Start of Testnet
Demo Demo Konsep
DainServices settings
Go-to-market service providers and integrators

The DAIN team The DAIN team
consists of professionals with extensive experience in startups, entrepreneurship and large multinational companies. We are also proud to have the support of employees from various industries and the academic world.
José Ramón García Luque
Co-founder and CEO of
Cognitive & AI Architects in Sabadell Bank
Luis Garcia San Luis
the CIO at Deutsche Bank SAE
Carlos Díaz Conde
Business Development & Strategic Alliances
Jesús García San Luis
CTO and founder 8g Analytics
Technology Advisor LossLessLinen
Luis Garcia Lorente
Founder of Promptwave
(ICEX Innovation Award)
Strategic Advisor Advisor and Judge @Startup Europe Awards
Andrés Contreras Guillen
Head of
Research teams for solutions and services José Luis Gahete Díaz Professor at the Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid ICAI-ICADE David Contreras Bárcena Director of the Institute of Telematics and Computer Science at the Pontifical Comillas University in Madrid ICAI-ICADE David Alfaya Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the ICAI School of ICAI Engineer Alejandro García San Luis Professor at the Pontifical University of Comillas Madrid ICAI-ICADE Israel Alonso Martínez Professor at the Pontifical University of Comillas Madrid ICAI-ICADE

Advisory team
Francesc Fajula De Quintana
Director of Open Innovation at Banco Sabadell
Roberto Nuñez Del Rio
Founder of Why? Digital training and HubIT
Marcos De Pedro
CEO in myClouddoor
Covadonga Fernández
Director of the Blockchain Observatory
Jose Salamanca
COO at UST Global España & LATAM
Jorge Alonso,
General manager in the Both window
Ricardo Usaola
Regional Vice President - Iberian MuleSoft Sales in Salesforce
Valentin Galan
Channel and Partner Regional Partner Director at MuleSoft, Salesforce company
Juan Boquera
Operations Manager at the Cocktail
Juan Antonio Sánchez Cañibano
Head of Digital Services Sales Specialist
Jorge Aponte
Influencer Blockchain & Crypto | Global Business Developers

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