Wednesday, January 9, 2019


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In business, truly understanding who your customers are and what they need makes it much easier to reveal why your product or service is best for them. This concept is especially true in digital advertising. If you don't focus on laser targeting, you will run out of money by advertising to people who don't care. It doesn't matter how smart your ad copy is, how beautiful your video is, how awesome your image is, or how perfect your landing page is. You have to do it right and by doing that, you need to fit in today's competitive environment. When you know what time your audience is most likely to read tweets and Facebook posts, you will design your social media marketing.
Therefore, this time I will discuss ICO related to the explanation above.

About TenXcoin
Meet digital age social currency: Tenxcoin . Tenxcoin was created together with ten companies whose purpose is to participate in a developing economic system and promote its growth by adding new cryptocurrency to the market and ensuring legitimacy from a business perspective. Tenxcoin gives priority to strategies that are safe and environmentally friendly.
The cryptocurrency market is the most dynamic attribute of our time. We believe that the future of the financial system will depend on the development of blockchain technology and public reaction. In our opinion, the blockchain can be used to achieve a truly strong and positive financial system development. For a long time, our team worked intensively on blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. We found that due to strong volatility and high anonymity, people began choosing cryptocurrency as payment.
Tenxcoin consists of applications that use block-chain cryptographic technology, an algorithm that includes a decentralization mechanism. This application includes the tokens needed for its use. With the help of the Tenxcoin digital economy application and DApps users can get the TXC, only do valuable actions.
As Tenxcoin expands its economy by adding cryptocurrency, which has real value both inside and outside the application, the user's economic capabilities are greatly expanded. This allows you to turn attention, attention, and creativity into real value, just use a smartphone. One of the best ways to serve the community is by allowing them to communicate and use tokens.
The Tenxcoin team will fund the creation of the DApps and bot application for various chat services that will enable people to easily share their TXC with the rest of the world. This will increase utility and efficiency, while attracting and expanding the community.
The company, Tenxcoin is looking for sustainable monetization models that do not interfere with user experience or privacy. Instead of giving preference to mass advertising or selling consumer data, Tenxcoin decided to adopt a decentralized organization model. The aim is to promote the development of a fair and open digital service ecosystem.
To create an ecosystem that is not only open and decentralized, but also more attractive than its traditional partners, Tenxcoin must create a new set of products, services and systems.
But just creating a digital currency is not enough. This cryptocurrency must be accepted in small retail businesses, in large stores, service providers and online payments. In order for cryptocurrency to be feasible, it must also be useful and valuable. To create an economy around a new currency, Tenxcoin must help determine the fundamental value of TXC.
Creates basic TXC experimental values ​​in the form of in-game currencies in beta applications and applications. Tenxcoin wants to know whether application users will try to get and spend centralized digital currencies. The key to this innovation is the idea that users don't need to buy tokens, but instead they can get them in the application. Tenxcoin will provide a new way for brands to interact directly with consumers. Using cryptocurrency, brands will be able to reward users with a small amount of TXC for doing simple tasks.
This might include answering questions in surveys, creating thematic content, or content curators. Millions of players from every country in the world can get the Tenxcoin daily award. Use the application to take various microtasks. Join players everywhere and become part of the first decentralized Tenxcoin ecosystem. Take part in short surveys, try new products, watch videos and help you do small tasks to get prizes with TXC tokens. It's easy, free, and doesn't require a complicated registration procedure.

Ethereum and ERC20
TXC will be implemented on the public Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token.
Explorer: TenXcoin (TXC) Token Tracker
Contract Address: 0xc11551BB497875050b69A2FDCCC20A53a9a70263
Token Name: TenXcoin
Symbol: TXC
Decimals: 18

TXC Internal wallet:
The primary feature required to enable a digital community to use cryptocurrency is a wallet.
As a first step, TXC will integrate wallets for each user account. The associated user interface will allow for the most common wallet interactions.
TXC will aim to significantly reduce these onboarding frictions. The onboarding process for users will not require prior expertise with cryptocurrencies before interacting with TXC.

ERC20 Token Wallet:
Users wishing to transfer TXC into and out of the TenXcoin applications will be able to do so by interacting with the public Ethereum network, which will serve as the currency’s decentralized settlement layer.
To add the token to your Ethereum wallet, enter the following information after clicking the “add a token” button shown in your Ethereum wallet:
Contract Address: 0xc11551BB497875050b69A2FDCCC20A53a9a70263
**Token Name: **TenXcoin
Symbol: TXC
Decimals: 18

Token Distribution
Tokens have already been generated and the plan for its use is the following:
Total Token Supply (fixed)100,000,000,000 ERC20 TXC Tokens
10% of total supply Private Sale, strategic people invitation.
10% of total supply Publique Sale
10% of total supply Ecosystem, used to bootstrap the coin Blockchain ecosystem including strategic partners and promotional marketing.
10% of total supply Apps and DApps building.
60% of total supply Community Reward Programs.


For more information :
Telegram :
Telegram Bounty :


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