Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk icovo bounty

What is ICOVO?
At the same time, we will make the ICOVO framework the global standard by proposing a new,  centralized-decentralized hybrid management framework to central governments around the world  currently seeking to develop healthy ICO environments through centralized methods.

Service Overview and Organization
ICOVO is a one-stop ICO support service providing DAICOVO, a platform for managing the issuance  of tokens in ICOs using Ethereum's ERC20/ERC223-compliant DAICO framework, the ICOVO App, which includes a wallet function that can manage all ERC20/ERC223-compliant tokens, KYC/AML functions for ICO investors, Block Chain and IPFS-based whitepaper versioning, and ICO Web, an  ICO listing site with ICO project management functions, as well as other ICO necessities such as  reviews of whitepapers and other documents, legal checks, engineer work from DAICOVO parameter  adjustment to deployment, and Offering all of this on a one-stop basis will reassure ICO investors, lend credibility to ICO project founders, and make ICOs more sound, while at the same time lowering the barrier to entry in ICOs by consolidating the participation process (see figure below).
DAICOVO: Smart contracts implementing the DAICO model
In addition to the functions required by ICO project founders such as issuing, selling, and managing  unique tokens, DAICOVO offers smart contracts optimized for ICOs adopting the DAICO model. For ICO project founders who use DAICOVO to do their ICO on ICOVO Web, all of the required work, including token design, DAICOVO parameter setting, compilation, and deployment, is free.*1 DAICOVO is already available as a open-source software. (https://github.com/icovo/DAICOVO)
ICOVO App: A smartphone app featuring a wallet optimized for ICOs
ICOVO's iOS/Android-compatible smartphone app(ICOVO Wallet in iOS and ICOVO Wallet PLUS in Android) is a native and web hybrid. It includes the world's first (as of January 2018) local wallet that can easily manage ICO list information and all ERC20/ERC223-compliant tokens. It is compatible with DAICOVO and comes with functions that allow project founders to easily draft and conduct voting on fund management.

Mission: “No ICO, No Future”
ICOs are at the very core of the ecosystem necessary for hatching innovative, blockchain-related startups. This mechanism for the future must not be crushed, but rather carefully preserved.
Cryptocurrency allows for impossibly vast amount of wealth to be moved, giving these investors the  power to change society. As a result, the next generation of young investors with flexible thinking  and deep understanding of technology have emerged. Their funds are invested in “innovative  blockchain-related start-ups”. As such, ICO is not a run-of-the mill fundraising tool, but an essential  piece in creating an ecosystem incubating innovative blockchain-related start-ups that will create  the future.  We must not prematurely crush this future-creating instrument on grounds of lack of  investor protections, or need to perpetuate governments’ central authority. ICOVO will incubate “innovative blockchain-related startups” by providing an ICO platform “ICOVO”  that aims to solve problems that ICOs face.

Vision: Global Standard for ICO Platforms
Create a global standard for ICO platforms for innovative blockchainrelated startups and ICO investors.
1.      Propel ICOs
Protect ICO investors and reinvigorate ICOs themselves by increasing the transparency of the management of funds raised through ICOs, project founders, and projects themselves.
2.      Reduce Barriers for ICO Participation
Increase ICO participation and accessibility by making the investment process and the format of information disclosure uniform across the board.
3.      Improve project durability
By allowing project founders to withdraw procured funds only within their capital-raising timeline and once certain milestones have been reached, motivation to release products is sustained.

Current Problems to Solve
Problem: Even if the ICO project is canceled or frozen, funds are not returned.
Solution: Using DAICOVO makes refunding possible.

Problem: It is difficult to identify scam ICO projects.
Solution: KYC/AML and project progress disclosure as required by ICOVO can be used as a guide for judgment.

Problem: A passport photographed for KYC can easily be falsified with photo editing software.
Solution: The ICOVO App's dedicated KYC/AML photo uploader prevents photo editing.

Problem: Different whitepaper formats make it difficult to compare ICO projects.
Solution: ICOVO Web provides the information common to all the projects in the same format.

Problem: Whitepapers can be tampered with.
Solution: ICOVO Web uses Blockchain and IPFS to make it impossible to tamper with the whitepaper, so you can always view the whitepaper published before the ICO even if you didn't save it.

Problem: ICO investment has a high barrier to entry.
Solution: The ICOVO App is optimized for ICO tokens, so using it makes it easy to participate in token sales and manage tokens.

Problem: It is difficult to draft and vote for things such as a DAICO refund.
Solution: The ICOVO App makes it easy to participate in drafting and voting on the management of procured funds.

Hasil gambar untuk icovo bounty
Hasil gambar untuk icovo bounty

Hasil gambar untuk icovo bounty

For More Information;
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ICOVOCO          

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